PG&E Uses CPUC Delay to Squeeze $1.8 Billion More from Customers

On November 7, PG&E executives scheduled a private meeting met with Commission staff to lobby for an additional $1.8 billion in ratepayer increases in the Alternative Proposed Decision, which had already been modified in PG&E’s favor. In response to the CPUC holding the long-awaited PG&E General Rate Case decision on November 2, TURN had warned that PG&E would use the delay to lobby for more shareholder profits at the expense of ratepayers.

TURN wants the Commission to adopt the original Proposed Decision, issued by the Administrative Law Judge after an impartial 18-month review of the proceeding record, that found that insulating overhead power lines results in a greater reduction of wildfires risk than burying power lines, can be installed far quicker, and at a fraction of the cost, moderating rate increases to 9%. TURN continues oppose the Alternative Proposed Decision, whose recommendations are not based on evidence presented in the rate case hearings, that would give PG&E an additional $2 billion to bury more power lines, as well PG&E proposals to add another $1.8 billion.

“TURN opposes PG&E proposals to line the furs of Wall Street investors by squeezing an additional $1.8 billion from ratepayers pockets,” says TURN Executive Director Mark Toney. “It is time for the CPUC to stand up for customers and choose safety and affordability, and vote to adopt the original Proposed Decision at their November 16 meeting.”

See the November 7 PG&E presentation to the CPUC, and the November 8 TURN response.

Contact: Mark Toney • TURN Executive Director • (510) 590-2862


PG&E Requests $2 Billion in Additional Rate Increases


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