For 50 years…

We have challenged California’s powerful energy and telephone companies, saving consumers and small businesses millions, standing up for vulnerable Californians, and demanding reliable service and livable communities.

TURN In Action

New York Climate Week (September 22-29)

Executive Director Mark Toney is honored to serve as a panelist at the second Energy Opportunity Forum during New York Climate Week (September 22-29). The event will take place on September 27th at Columbia University, hosted by The Energy Opportunity Lab (EOL) within the Center on Global Energy Policy (CGEP) at Columbia SIPA. Mark will join the panel discussion, “The Role of Utilities in Advancing Energy Justice in the U.S.” This flagship forum brings together researchers, practitioners, policymakers, and community leaders to explore innovative, sustainable energy solutions that foster healthy, prosperous communities both in the U.S. and emerging economies worldwide.

To learn more, please visit

Power Uptown (September 27th)

In addition to the Energy Opportunity Forum, Mark will be speaking at the Power Uptown event on the same day. The Energy Equity, Housing and Health Program at Mailman School of Public Health, the Energy Opportunity Lab in the Center on Global Energy Policy at Columbia SIPA, and the Sabin Center for Climate Change Law at the Columbia Law School are organizing a half-day, community-focused public event called Power Uptown on September 27th from 3:30pm – 7pm, on the sidelines of New York Climate Week.

To learn more, please visit

Building toward a sustainable future for every family, every community, and our planet.

We believe that ensuring affordable, accessible, reliable power and phone service — for every California home — is better for our communities, the planet, and our collective future.

Many of us turn on our lights, open our refrigerator, or adjust the temperature in our house without giving it a second thought. We flip a switch, open a door, or even use an app on our phone — simple. Until we experience a catastrophic emergency — a flood or lengthy power outage for instance — we don’t really think about the consequences of not having power, gas, or phone service.

But hundreds of thousands of California families can’t store fresh food because without power, there is no refrigeration. For students, homework is a greater challenge without lights or internet access. The use of medical equipment requires power to be operable; without power, many California residents cannot use life-saving equipment.

People living without power are the proverbial canary in the coal mine. A family without power is often a family one step removed from living on the street. Getting that family back into housing greatly increases burden on our social safety net, causes emotional and physical harm, and makes it much more difficult for the family to get back on their feet.

Especially now — as we make the essential transition to a carbon-neutral energy base — it is critical that we leave no one behind.

TURN works with state and Federal legislators, supports policy development, organizes communities, and galvanizes allies in order to hold utility companies accountable and be an advocate for utility consumers.

Please join us and make a difference for our future.

Thank You to the Foundations Who Support this Critical Work!

This year your contributions supported: energy equity (through a program to train healthcare providers), clean energy policy, utility company accountability around their role(s) in reducing wildfires, and greater energy bill affordability throughout California.

When you add your voice to our growing team, you are part of making a real impact! Working together, we can make a difference for California Families, our planet, and the future generations to come.

Current Campaigns

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