TURN Legislative Champions
2024 Legislative Champions
Gail Pellerin
Public Safety ChampionThank you for holding communication providers accountable for ensuring community safety during wildfires and natural disasters!
AB 2765 – Requires annual inspections of telecommunications network facilities and mandates a 72-hour battery backup to ensure network resilience during power outages.
Dawn Addis
Public Transparency ChampionThank you for holding energy providers accountable to their customers on capital spending costs!
AB 2847 – Ensures that utilities are transparent about the true costs of their projects, providing clarity on how your money is being spent.
Rebecca Bauer–Kahan
Corporate Accountability ChampionThank you for closing the revolving door between regulators and utility executives, holding shareholders accountable, and championing shutoff protections!
AB 2054 – Stops regulators from becoming utility executives and require shareholders to split paying for utility cost overruns.
Cottie Petrie-Norris
Chair, Utilities and Energy Committee
Affordable Bills ChampionThank you for calling for studies on alternative financing for new transmission and creating affordability metrics that consider total household energy costs!
AB 3264 – Calls for a new study on alternative financing options that could save ratepayers billions of dollars.
Caroline Menjivar
Keep the Lights On ChampionThank you for ensuring that utility companies consider a family’s ability to afford a down payment and make monthly payments when creating agreements to avoid shutoffs or restore service.
SB 1142 – Requires California utilities to adopt stronger customer protections to prevent customers from utility service shutoffs or help them get reconnected.
2023 Legislative Champions
Anna M. Caballero
Digital Equity Champion 2021Thank you for advancing equity for California video customers!
SB 28 (2021), which requires the CPUC to collect data on the locations served by cable and broadband providers of TV service, adopt customer service requirements, and adjudicate customer complaints.
Lena Gonzalez
Digital Equity Champion 2022Thank you for standing up for broadband access to communities that have been left behind!
Opposed AB 2749 in the Senate Utilities Committee and supported CPUC strategies to invest $2B of federal dollars in broadband facilities for the communities and individuals it was intended to help.
John Laird
Climate Change ChampionThank you for accelerating state carbon reduction targets!
SB 1020, which reduces California’s dependency on fossil fuels by increasing the state’s green energy consumption to 90% by 2035, to 95% by 2040, and to 100% by 2045.
Mike McGuire
Public Safety ChampionThank you for protecting public safety by requiring real-time reporting of 911 outages!
SB 670 (2019) and SB 341 (2021), which requires telecom providers to immediately notify 911 and other emergency alert outages to state and local public safety authorities.
Rebecca Bauer-Kahan
Ratepayer Protection ChampionThank you for protecting ratepayers from paying for wildfire or other settlement agreements!
AB 2083, which prohibits regulated utilities from recovering from ratepayers any costs related to direct payments, fines, or penalties paid as a result of a settlement resolving criminal or civil cases.
Christopher Ward
Solar Equity ChampionThank you for expanding the benefits of solar and storage to low-income residents!
AB 2316, which provides all families with the choice to save on monthly bills, reduce their dependence on fossil fuels, and join the fight against climate change.
2020 Legislative Champions
Steven Bradford
Ratepayer Protection ChampionThank you for standing up for telecom and utility customers!
Congratulations for challenging AB 1366 & AB 1659!
Monique Limón
Public Safety ChampionThank you for improving evacuation notices to residents!
Congratulations for winning adoption of AB 2213!
Todd Gloria
Data Privacy ChampionThank you for protecting smart meter data from ICE!
Congratulations for winning adoption of AB 2788!
Chris Holden
Ratepayer Protection ChampionThank you for holding utilities accountable for wildfires!
Thanks for AB 1054 requiring shareholders pay for 2017/2018 wildfires and fair share for future wildfires.
Cecilia Aguiar-Curry
Public Safety ChampionThank you for standing up for reliable phone networks!
Thanks for opposing AB 1366 on the Assembly floor and supporting reliable phones for rural & urban customers.
Eduardo Garcia
Zero Carb ChampionThank you for fighting to meet state clean energy goals!
Thanks for AB 56 campaign to create backup procurement to ensure increased renewables.
Hannah-Beth Jackson
Sylvia Siegel ChampionThank you for a lifetime of fighting for California consumers!
Thanks for your leadership as a champion for utility ratepayers, consumer privacy, corporate accountability.
2019 Legislative Champions
Eloise Reyes
Truth to Power ChampionThank you for telling utilities to tell the truth!
Thanks for authoring a bill that makes utilities tell customers the full monthly bill impact for every year of multi-year rate hikes, not just for the first year.
Ben Hueso
Public Health ChampionThank you for enrolling more people on Medical Baseline!
Thanks for winning the adoption of SB 1338 to bring public health professionals to sign up medically vulnerable people onto Medical Baseline.
Kevin McCarty
Profiles in Courage ChampionThank you for the guts to vote no on ratepayer bailouts!
Thanks for standing up for ratepayers and voting no on SB 901, the bill that makes ratepayers pay for PG&E wildfire damage even if they are negligent.
2018 Legislative Champions
Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher
Rooftop Solar Champion: AB 1070Thank you for protecting all solar leasing customers!
Protecting communities for whom English is a second language who have been targeted by disreputable solar leasing companies.
Thank you for being a “We Said Enough” Champion to empower women to take leadership positions!
Ben Hueso
Utilities for All Champion: SB 598Thanks for pushing affordable bills by reducing shutoffs!
Requiring CPUC to adopt policies to reduce 960,000 shutoffs in 2016, and banning shutoffs for people with life-threatening medical conditions.
Jerry Hill
Sylvia Siegel ChampionThank you for demanding utility safety & accountability!
Justice for San Bruno equals justice for California. Holding PG&E to higher safety standards results in greater safety for all California utility customers.
Kevin DeLeón
Senate Pro Tem
Pocketbook & Planet ChampionThanks for winning climate justice & economic justice!
Greening the grid greens our communities.
Thanks to you, Disadvantaged Communities share economic & environmental benefits of green policies.
2017 Legislative Champions
Ben Hueso
CPUC Champion AwardThank you for restoring the CPUC to California ratepayers!
Congratulations on winning the adoption of SB 215, and putting a stop to secret meetings and backroom deals between utility executives and CPUC staff.
Phil Ting
Climate Champion AwardThank you for giving meaningful GHG emission reporting!
Congratulations on winning the adoption of AB 1110, and making sure that all energy providers use the same standards to report greenhouse gas emissions.
Lorena Gonzalez Fletcher
Phones That Work Champion AwardThank you for protecting basic phone service for all!
Congratulations for protecting reliable phone service for everyone who is underserved, low-income, disabled, or for whom English is a second language.
Brian Dahle
Phones That Work Champion AwardThank you for standing up for rural California!
Congratulations for being the voice of 5 million rural residents who depend on their phones to reach 911, employment, schools, social services, and family.
2016 Legislative Champions
Ben Hueso
CPUC Accountability AwardThanks to Senator Hueso’s co-authorship and guiding force in winning the unanimous passage of SB 660.
The media and public opinion clearly support an end to secret meetings and backroom deals between utility executives and CPUC staff.
Mark Leno
CPUC Accountability AwardThanks to Senator Leno’s lead co-authorship and driving force in winning the unanimous passage of SB 660.
The CPUC has already adopted changes to begin to limit secret meetings and backroom deals between utility executives and CPUC staff.
Patty Lopez
Backyard Solar AwardThanks to Assemblymember Lopez’s authorship and advocacy in winning the passage & signing of AB 1448.
All California residents possess the right to use clotheslines, no matter where they own or rent.