Insulated Power Lines for Wildfire Prevention

PG&E bills to soar nearly $400/year
in 2024 for millions
of California households
From the San Francisco Chronicle:
The CPUC was considering two internal proposals that both offered less revenue than PG&E had requested, but differed in how much to allow the company to spend installing power lines underground. Ratepayer advocacy groups such as TURN pushed for the commission to promote a far less expensive and faster method by insulating bare wires instead of the laborious process of burying them. The CPUC opted to allow for more buried lines.
“We’re disappointed,” Morsony said. “We need to be choosing only the most affordable and fastest wildfire safety measures to protect customers and their pocketbooks.”
Visit https://www.sfchronicle.com/california/article/pge-rate-hike-18458239.php to read the full article.
CapRadio interview with
TURN Executive Director Mark Toney
PG&E customers will be paying close to $400 more per year for their service due to new rate hikes approved earlier this month by the California Public Utilities Commission. While the rate hikes were not a surprise, they come at a time where customers are dealing with massive cost of living increases. Mark Toney, Executive Director of TURN (The Utility Reform Network), joins us to discuss the impact of the increases especially on lower income, vulnerable Californians.
Note: PG&E’s press release regarding the rate increases can be found here.
Learn about the CPUC’s Two Proposed Decisions in Response to PG&E’s Request for New Safety and Reliability Investments
In PG&E’s initial GRC application, the utility requested many changes it claimed were necessary to ensure the safety and reliability of its energy services. Inflation and a significant investment in undergrounding electric lines ranked among the top cost drivers in PG&E’s request. Over the past year and a half, multiple parties reviewed PG&E’s GRC request and provided input on each cost category and related proposed expenditures.*

*Visit https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/news-and-updates/all-news/cpuc-releases-two-pds-in-response-to-pge-request-for-new-investments-2023 to read the full article.