California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC)
If you do not live in California, contact your state’s Public Utilities Commission for information. Please visit the National Association of Regulatory Utility Commissioners to find your state’s Public Utilities Commission.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) is a state agency created by Constitutional amendment to regulate privately owned telecommunications, electric, natural gas, water, railroad, rail transit, passenger transportation, and in-state moving companies. The CPUC is responsible for ensuring California utility customers have safe, reliable utility service at reasonable rates, protecting utility customers from fraud, and promoting the health of California’s economy.
The Commission is comprised of a five-member board with a President. Its members are appointed by the Governor and serve six-year staggered terms. Generally, the board meets twice a month. The CPUC has a staff of approximately 940 employees. CPUC headquarters is in San Francisco, with field offices in Los Angeles and Sacramento. Commissioners make all policy decisions, usually meeting twice a month to vote on issues noted on a public agenda. Go to the CPUC website for more information.