2023/24 Completed Campaigns
Engagement Campaigns
Sempra GRC
Thank you for speaking up and forcing the CPUC to slash SoCal Gas and SDG&E’s rate hikes!
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has responded to public input and proposed major cuts to the proposed General Rate Case (GRC) rate hikes requested by SoCal Gas and SDG&E.
Deaf and Disabled Telecommunications Program (DDTP)
The CPUC has scheduled a set of eight public participation hearings (PPHs) as part of its process to evaluate and update this program.
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has begun a proceeding to assess and update the entire program. For example, most of the devices offered are only compatible with landlines.
Affordable Power California
Demand Action for Affordable Wildfire Safety
Wildfires endanger Californians, but investor-owned utilities are putting profits ahead of public safety.
Community Solar for All
CPUC Sides with Utilities Over Californians and Advocates
On May 30, the CPUC rejected a Community Solar program backed by TURN, environmental groups, and the solar industry.
No on AB 2797 - Protect Emergency Phone Communications
CPUC Rejects Community Solar Program Backed by Advocates
On May 30, the CPUC dismissed a Community Solar initiative supported by TURN, environmental groups, and the solar industry.
Southern California Edison General Rate Case
Stop SCE's Rate Hikes – Make Your Voice Heard!
Southern California Edison is proposing another rate hike, endangering the financial stability of Californians.
Insulated Power Lines for Wildfire Prevention
PG&E Bills to Rise by $400/Year in 2024 for Millions of Californians
From the San Francisco Chronicle:
The CPUC is reviewing two internal proposals offering less revenue than PG&E requested, with differences in how much to fund underground power line installations. -
2024 TURN Affordability Package
Big Win for Affordable Utility Bills!
Thanks to your efforts, Governor Newsom has signed TURN’s Affordability Bill Package into law!
2023/24 Legislative Cycle
For over 50 years, TURN has advocated at the CPUC and in the legislature for affordable, clean, safe, and reliable utility service and telecommunications networks for residents throughout the state, including rural and urban low-income communities, individuals who are disabled, immigrants, and communities of color. We have stood up to corporate greed, saving billions of dollars for customers and businesses.
We support policy development, organize communities, and galvanize allies to hold powerful energy and telephone companies accountable to California customers—not Wall Street investors.
Utility rates have reached critical levels, worsening our homeless crisis and threatening our transition to a cleaner, safer future. The time to act is now.
Please follow the link below to learn more about our successes, the work still to do, and review our first ever Legislative Scorecard.