Editorial | New fixed Fee, Recent Rate Hikes Burdening PG&E Ratepayers

Source: Santa Cruz Sentinel |  By Editorial Board

In a previous Editorial, we discussed the challenges PG&E is facing with increased demand for electricity and the cost of undergrounding power lines in fire-prone areas. We also noted recent rate hikes and how they are burdening ratepayers already having to deal with the high cost of living in California. Customers also are facing new fixed monthly fees — part of an energy bill passed by legislators in 2022 with little discussion. This charge is assessed to households each month in exchange for lower rates for every kilowatt hour of electricity they use. The California Public Utilities Commission approved the $24 monthly charge last month.

Mark Toney, executive director of The Utility Reform Network, recently told CalMatters there not only needs to be a cap placed on utility rate hikes but that regulators should ensure utilities are not given a “credit card with no limit and a guarantee that someone else is going to pay.” TURN is backing the Utility Accountability Act, a bill that would require utilities to document and disclose their spending.


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