PG&E Working to Curb Growing Number of Wildfires Started by Own Equipment

Source: ABC 7  |  By Dustin Dorsey

As the peak of the wildfire season quickly approaches, PG&E is working just as fast to put a stop to fires caused by its own equipment. The utility is reporting 62 fires caused by power lines this year, nearly equally the total from all of last year. To make the electric system safer, and reduce wildfire risk, sometimes exceptional costs have to be incurred. That's been PG&E's message as to why rates have increased so much in the last few years. But wildfires have not decreased.

Mark Toney is the executive director for the Utility Reform Network and says bills have skyrocketed more than 100% in the past four years. With this latest fire data, Toney says it's fair for customers to question if the increases are worth it. "The customers are paying the price of more expensive and much slower wildfire safety," Toney said. Toney would prefer to see cheaper, faster ways of wildfire mitigation -- like insulated lines -- over seemingly constant increases with little results.


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