TURN Newsroom

Newsroom Alejandra Cruz Newsroom Alejandra Cruz

California’s Rooftop Solar Debate is Raging Again

Source: Canary Media | By Jeff St. John

The CPUC didn’t specify which alternative sources could fill that gap. Prior proposals to use state tax revenues or California’s cap-and-trade program could be part of the mix, said Mark Toney, executive director of The Utility Reform Network, a ratepayer-advocacy group. But even supporters of those concepts like Toney don’t see much hope of lawmakers fielding bills that would ask taxpayers to shoulder costs now borne by ratepayers. ​“It is wishful thinking that we could shift rooftop subsidies to taxpayers,” he said. ​“I’m not holding my breath here.”

The net-billing tariff the CPUC approved in late 2022 to replace its previous net-metering regime offers far lower payments for the electricity that newly installed rooftop solar systems inject onto the grid, except for a few hours per year when peak power is in dire need. That structure rewards customers who add batteries that can store and inject power during those valuable hours — a service that should reduce how much energy utilities need to secure and how much grid infrastructure they need to build to serve those peak moments.

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Newsroom Guest User Newsroom Guest User

Can rooftop solar alone solve climate change? Here’s the answer

Source: LA Times | By Sammy Roth

This story originally published in Boiling Point, a newsletter about climate change and the environment. Sign up here to get it in your inbox.

No matter how many times I write about renewable energy — about sprawling solar farms, towering wind turbines and lengthy power lines carrying clean electricity to faraway cities — there’s one question I get asked again and again and again:

Why do we need all that industrial infrastructure when we can put solar panels on rooftops and parking lots instead?

It’s a great question — and one I attempt to answer in my latest story, published this week….

Big surprise: There are no easy answers. But there are some baseline realities that I hope you’ll consider.

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Environmental Groups File Court Challenge on California Rooftop Solar Policy

Source: Inside Climate News | By Emma Foehringer Merchant

“Matthew Freedman, a staff attorney at The Utility Reform Network (TURN), a consumer advocacy group that said the commission did not go far enough to address the cost-shift for non-solar customers, said the lawsuit is premature because commissioners have not responded to the rehearing request the groups filed in January. And he expects the case will face steep odds in winning its “preferred policy outcomes.” 

“The courts have typically been very reluctant to second-guess factual determinations made by the CPUC given the complexity of the issues,” Freedman said in an email.”

The Center for Biological Diversity, the Environmental Working Group, and the Protect Our Communities Foundation allege that California utility regulators, who in December approved a policy change that would significantly lower compensation for new rooftop solar projects, erred in their decision by not properly accounting for all of the costs and benefits of those systems.

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Newsroom Shannon Lo Newsroom Shannon Lo

California slashes incentives for new rooftop solar, promotes batteries to shift grid costs

Source: The San Diego Union-Tribune | By Rob Nikolewski

Thursday’s vote “a small step in the right direction” but said the decision “fails to significantly reduce the rapidly growing portion…”

The California Public Utilities Commission on Thursday overhauled its rules for rooftop solar power, slashing subsidies for new solar…

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