Tips on Managing Your Air Conditioner During Sacramento’s Heat Wave

Source: Cap Radio  |  By Chris Nichols & Tony Rodriguez

The current, seemingly endless heat wave hitting the Sacramento region and much of the West is putting stress on people in many ways. As residents look to stay cool, air conditioners are running nearly nonstop in homes that have them. That can lead to not only tired appliances, but big bills.

Mark Toney, executive director of TURN (The Utility Reform Network), said past studies of deadly heat waves have found some people died even though they had air conditioning because of the cost of running it. “I know a lot of elderly on fixed incomes. They're afraid to turn on the air conditioner, but it's an extremely important thing,” he said. “What we need to do is to push the shareholders to take some of their record profits and give some great relief during this record-breaking heat.” Toney said his organization has asked the California Public Utility Commission to issue an emergency order during this ongoing heat wave to stop utilities from disconnecting power due to nonpayment. He said PG&E has already agreed to do this from July 4 through the end of this week.


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