2024 TURN Year in Review – See what people have to say!

  • Demario Knox attended TURN’s Bill Assistance Open House. At the time, his family had been shut off for four days due to a PG&E debt of over $3,000. Demario has two children who have chronic asthma and need an electrostatic nebulizer to help with their breathing. It was critical that we at TURN used all of our resources to ensure that Demario and his family get their electricity turned back on. When customers are disconnected, utility companies seek 100% compensation before restoring power. Many households experience difficulty coming up with the funds to make this payment. This leads to displacement for families who can no longer live in those households.

    TURN quickly connected with PG&E representatives, who agreed that it was critical to restore service for Demario and his family. By the end of the day, Demario’s power was back on. We also set him up on a 24-month payment plan, which gives him flexibility in affording his current monthly bill and paying down his arrears .

  • Mary Fleming was on the PG&E Budget Billing program when her gas meter inexplicably spiked upwards, totaling $3400 in one month. Budget Billing averages your energy costs over the previous 12 months to determine your monthly payment amount. This uptick in Mary’s bill drastically skewed her average, jumping her monthly bill up to over $600 monthly. Over the next few months, Mary spent over a thousand dollars to avoid disruptions to her service. However, the high bill was much more than Mary could comfortably afford, and each month, it was getting more difficult to avoid the shutoff.

    After Mary reached out to TURN, we immediately contacted PG&E and demanded an expedited resolution to her bill average. Within a day, Mary’s bill was fixed to accurately reflect her gas usage. The thousands she spent to avoid disconnection were fully refunded, and she was also given credits that significantly lowered her current monthly bill.

  • Kyomi Jones reached out to TURN seeking help with a PG&E debt of almost $400. She lives with her son and two grandchildren. After some mishaps, the family found themselves in arrears, looking to avoid a service disruption.

    TURN assisted in securing her a REACH credit of $220 towards the total debt. The remaining balance was moved to a 24-month payment arrangement, ensuring that the arrangement has little to no effect on her current monthly payments.

    Kyomi's family needed a little assistance to steady the ship, and with the help of TURN, they were quickly able to receive the help they needed.

  • In a remarkable display of our advocacy and intervention, we also assisted Ms. Judy Barnes, a dedicated and long-time member of TURN, in addressing a persistent concern she had with a PG&E subcontractor, Atlas Trimming.

    Ms. Barnes recounted her predicament, which began in August 2023 when Atlas Trimming, a PG&E subcontractor, was tasked with trimming trees around power lines in the City of Clearlake. While they were responsible for cutting trees and removing debris, she was dismayed that the workers only trimmed the trees, leaving substantial rubble. Ms. Barnes, ever vigilant, expressed her concerns to the Atlas Trimming crew, explaining that leaving such waste unattended could pose a fire hazard. She was assured they would return later to address the issue, but regrettably, they never did.

    On August 11, 2023, she reached out to PG&E for the first time and was directed to the Vegetation Management section of PG&E. There, she had an informative conversation with Pedro, who assigned her a case number and referred her to George, a point of contact reachable by phone. George, in turn, assured her that the tree workers would have everything cleaned up in three to four weeks.

    However, when Ms. Barnes called George three weeks later, she was frustrated as he failed to answer her calls, and his voicemail remained full. She later observed that while some debris had been removed, at least ten more piles remained in her immediate neighborhood.

    Determined to find a resolution, on September 7, 2023, she acted by filing an online complaint with the California Public Utilities Commission, providing a comprehensive summary of her complaint. This is where TURN came into the picture.

    Our intervention involved several conversations with PG&E, fervently requesting assistance for Ms. Barnes to prevent potential fire hazards in her area. These efforts culminated when Ms. Barnes informed us that PG&E and their vegetation management division removed the debris piles that were most concerning.

    Ms. Barnes reached out to express her gratitude, thanking us for our unwavering support and emphasizing that this is precisely why she and many others became members of TURN several years ago. This success story is a testament to our commitment to advocating for our members, ensuring their concerns are heard and addressed effectively, and ultimately achieving positive outcomes for the communities we serve.

  • Once upon a time, a determined woman named Ms. Beatriz Real faced a daunting challenge in the vibrant community of Bell Gardens. Despite her hard work and diligence, she was burdened with a hefty balance of $2,656.53 with Southern California Edison (SCE). Determined to find a solution, she sought assistance and approached TURN during their community outreach efforts in Southern California.

    Moved by Ms. Real’s sincerity and determination, the team at TURN decided to help her. They arranged to meet at the local Bell Gardens Veterans Park, buzzing with energy and vibrant colors. There, they introduced Ms. Real to the California Alternate Rates for Energy (CARE) program, which offered discounted rates for low-income customers. They also explained the Arrearage Management Plan (AMP) program, which is designed to assist customers with outstanding balances.

    With Ms. Real’s permission, the TURN team began the enrollment process. They diligently applied for the program and gathered all the necessary documentation. Weeks later, Ms. Real received the news she had hoped for - she was accepted into the CARE program. This brought a glimmer of hope to her situation. However, their joy was short-lived when they discovered she had been denied acceptance into the AMP program despite meeting all the requirements.

    Refusing to give up on Ms. Real, the team at TURN embarked on a four-month quest for a solution. They contacted SCE, sending numerous emails and making countless calls, but they were met with silence. Growing increasingly concerned, they decided to escalate the matter by contacting higher-level representatives and pleading for assistance.

    Determined to ensure Ms. Real’s concerns were heard, the team sought the help of the Executive Director at TURN. Recognizing the situation's urgency, the Director promptly contacted SCE offices in San Francisco, demanding transparency and clear explanations for the program denials. We emphasized the need for timely responses and follow-ups, sharing their concerns and contrasting experiences with other utility companies.

    Finally, SCE acknowledged their past delays and designated reliable points of contact for TURN’s supported customer issues. They committed to responding promptly, even providing a personal cell number for emergencies. Additionally, Ms. Real’s application for the AMP program was accepted, bringing immense relief and gratitude to her family.

    This story of resilience and determination showcased the power of community advocacy. It served as a reminder that by standing together and fighting for what is right, obstacles can be overcome, and lives can be changed.

  • Jose Gazo is a father of two living in the city of San Francisco. Like many hardworking individuals, Jose was negatively affected by the pandemic. Prior to the pandemic Jose worked in construction and repairs. It has been both his trade and passion for some time. However, as COVID-19 became more prevalent, the work opportunities began to shrink. To ensure his family was taken care of, Jose began driving for Uber. This proved to be successful for a time, until Jose was injured in an automobile accident that made it impossible to drive. As the Gazo family worked tirelessly to make ends meet, the utility bills began to pile up.

    After PG&E shut-off Jose’s energy and desperate to find a solution to get his lights turned back on, Jose contacted TURN. He had an outstanding balance of $3,016.02. PGE demanded that he pay the balance in full to have his power reconnected. TURN was able to connect with PG&E to negotiate an immediate reconnection of Jose’s power. Next, we pushed for Jose to be enrolled into the Arrearage Management Program (AMP), which would see a portion of his debt forgiven for each on-time monthly payment, accumulating in the total debt forgiven after 12 months. Alongside his enrollment in AMP, TURN worked with an organization close to Jose to secure a $1000 pledge on his behalf to be set as a bill credit, providing him with a cushion as he works to get back on his feet. As a result, Jose can comfortably save his earnings without the stress of another shut-off for the next several months.

    Today, Jose and his family enjoy the comfort and safety of their home with lights and heat. Jose is very thankful to the community partner for their financial support and to TURN for their intervention and support that helped get the family's energy restored. Jose is committed to sharing his story here and with elected officials to underscore the need for more support for struggling families, an end to shutoffs and overall, the need for affordable bills.

    Unfortunately, Jose’s story is far too common. Many people living in California fall victim to unaffordable bills due to constant rate hikes by the utilities. For families that are already living paycheck to paycheck, one injury or family emergency could leave them in debt, in the dark and sometimes homeless. Since utility debt does not disappear, for the most vulnerable folks, it can become a roadblock to securing affordable housing in the future.

  • Margaret Dietz, a recent member of TURN, found herself in a troubling situation when her AT&T landline service abruptly stopped in October 2020. What followed was an ordeal that spanned a staggering two years. Despite AT&T's acknowledgment of the issue, her service remained inoperative while AT&T continued to deduct monthly payments from her checking account.

    Ms. Dietz's frustration mounted as she endured months of exasperating phone calls and seemingly non-existent customer service. Finally, she was issued a "Trouble Ticket" with the promise of service restoration and full payment reimbursement once her landline was repaired. However, as 2022 drew close, AT&T dropped a bombshell, declaring landlines obsolete and asserting that her service would never be reinstated. To her dismay, they said they would only entertain reimbursements for up to 60 non-service days.

    At this point, Ms. Dietz, in her quest for resolution, was directed by AT&T to address any future petitions for reimbursements to their headquarters. Frustrated and disheartened, she reached out to TURN. Our advocacy team swung into action, meticulously reviewing her case and sending a compelling letter to the office of the AT&T President. We passionately advocated for her, carefully documenting the facts about the outage and summarizing the charges and payments made to AT&T.

    The culmination of our efforts was nothing short of a triumph. AT&T ultimately refunded the entire amount Ms. Dietz had sought. This success story is a shining example of the profound impact of effective advocacy in resolving complex telecommunications issues and securing a just outcome for a deserving customer. In the words of Ms. Dietz, "Thank you, Alex. I genuinely believe this would not be resolved without TURN's (your) intervention. You made my day, month, and year." Our commitment to customer advocacy remains unwavering, ensuring that every voice is heard and every issue is addressed, no matter how challenging the circumstances.