California voters want policymakers to lower utility bills

A new poll shows overwhelming voter support for reducing customer bills, implementing cost-effective wildfire mitigation, and setting limits on shareholder profits.

SACRAMENTO, Calif. — California voters want policy leaders to take decisive action to address the root causes of high electricity bills, including limiting how much utilities can spend and profit, according to a poll conducted by David Binder Research, and released today by The Utility Reform Network (TURN). The findings come as Gov. Newsom and the legislature debate an affordability package aimed at lowering electricity bills.

“The fact that 78% of California voters expressed concern about skyrocketing monthly electric bills, sends a loud and clear message that the Governor and legislature need to take action now, to reduce utility bills in the short term, and to limit utility spending and profits moving forward,” said Mark Toney, Executive Director of The Utility Reform Network (TURN). 

California voters indicated overwhelming support for holding utilities accountable for controlling the cost of utility service.

  • 86%:  Require utilities to pursue the safest and most cost-effective wildfire mitigation strategies, instead of those that earn the most profit for Wall Street investors.

  • 84%:  Protect affordability by limiting annual increases in customer bills. 

  • 82%:  Prohibit utilities from charging customers for lobbying and PR campaigns.

  • 81%:  Limit the amount utilities charge customers for big projects to prevent excess profit.

Despite strong public support, California utilities lobbied and killed a bill that would have prevented their lobbying costs from being passed to consumers, SB 938 (Min). The good news is that SB 1003, which would require wildfire mitigation plans to prioritize affordable, proven solutions, is headed for floor votes.

TURN is concerned that time is running out this Legislative session for policy makers to address the affordability crisis, and has urged several strategies:

  • Adopt alternatives to utility capital spending that save billions of dollars for customers.

  • Reform wildfire mitigation policies that increase safety, and reduce customer costs.

  • Provide immediate bill reductions by returning unspent ratepayer funds. 

For more information on the poll and to request interviews, please contact Alexandra Nagy at


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