CPUC to Vote on Massive So Cal Edison 18% Rate Hike
Typical Customer Bill Would Skyrocket $180 Annually by 2023
California Public Utilities Commission has scheduled an August 19 vote to take action on its Proposed Decision (PD) to authorize a massive increase for SCE customers.
SCE customers would be charged $460 million a year for $1 billion of wildfire insurance, instead of splitting the costs with SCE shareholders.
CPUC should make further cuts to the rate increases in the PD by eliminating funding for activities not directly related to the provision of safe and reliable electric service. Elise Torres.
SCE is Lobbying CPUC for $2 Billion Increase for Insulated Wires
The CPUC proposes $1.5 billion for 2,750 miles of covered conductor, the largest deployment in the U.S., covering 28% of SCE’s High Fire Districts.
TURN proposed 2,500 mile of covered conductor that would address 95% of wildfire risk in SCEs High Fire Risk Areas at a cost that is $2 billion less than SCE’s demand.
Edison is using fear mongering to push the CPUC to approve an additional $2 billion in unnecessary wildfire mitigation expenses, but refuses to commit to reduce wildfire power shutoffs. Katy Morsony
SCE Customers have Opportunity to Voice their Concerns at CPUC Meeting
SCE customers are invited to testify about the impact of monthly bill increases on their families and their communities at the CPUC Public Meeting on August 19 at 10:00.
Public Comment: Call (800) 857-1917, enter passcode 989950# and press *1 (star one) when prompted by the operator.
More information on public participation can be found at: https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/events-and-meetings/cpuc-voting-meeting-08-19
For Interviews or Comments:
Elise Torres • TURN Staff Attorney • etorres@turn.org • (925) 234-0228
Katy Morsony • TURN Staff Attorney • kmorsony@turn.org • (415) 518-7201