Sempra GRC
Thank you for speaking up and forcing the CPUC to slash SoCal Gas and SDG&E’s rate hikes!
The California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) has responded to public input and proposed major cuts to the proposed General Rate Case (GRC) rate hikes requested by SoCal Gas and SDG&E.
How the CPUC Proposed Decision Impacts Your Monthly Bills:
SoCal Gas customers: an increase of $4.12 per month
SDG&E customers: an increase of $9.47 per month
We prefer NO rate increases but compared to the recent PG&E $34.50 monthly increase, slashing So Cal Gas and SDG&E’s rate hike proposal is a major victory.
Here is the bad news: utility executives and Wall Street investors are pressuring the CPUC Commissioners to roll back this proposed decision, which would give these utilities what they originally requested. So, we need to stop the CPUC from folding under pressure!
The CPUC will vote on this decision at its December 19th meeting. Urge Commissioners to protect customers from unjustified rate hikes and resist pressure from utility executives by contacting the CPUC Public Advisor’s Office to share your thoughts on Application A.22-05-015:

Don’t Let Utility Executives Pressure the CPUC for Higher Hikes! Make your voice heard by publicly commenting!
Make your voice heard by watching, attending and/or participating online by clicking here: https://www.cpuc.ca.gov/events-and-meetings/cpuc-voting-meeting-2024-12-05.
Read the Full CPUC Proposed Decision Here.